Fatima Bhutto urges alma mater to stop repression of students protesting for Palestine

In the wake of ever-increasing Israeli violence against the hapless Palestinians, students across the US have been participating in peaceful protests to register their call for a much-needed ceasefire.

They have faced threats and suspensions from many universities, including the reputed Columbia institue. Many students have been expelled by the Barnard College due to their participation in sit-ins for Palestinians.

In this regard, columnist Fatima Bhutto has requested her alma mater Barnard College to stop the suppression of students’ voices for ceasefire.

Recently, some students have faced suspensions, expulsions and threats from the campus for participating in pro-Palestinian protests.

Bhutto mentioned her own experience of taking part in protests without any action against her and class fellows.

She graduated in Asian and Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures from Barnard in 2004.

“When I was a student at Barnard the second Intifada had broken out and Israeli occupation forces then, as they are now, committed grave acts of violence,” she said.

“I went to protests on the Barnard campus on the Columbia campus. I went to strikes, sit-ins, and teach-ins, and never once got expelled, suspended or threatened with disciplinary charges,” the columnist added.

She said that the Barnard students have been participating in peace activities due to enormous moral courage and clarity.

“They are standing up against the crime of the century. This is the crime of our lifetime. And all those students are acting, not out of just moral courage and clarity, but out of heart and a duty to social justice,” she added.

“I’d like to ask Barnard, as a graduate myself, to grant amnesty to all student protesters, to drop the disciplinary charges, to reverse the suspensions, and to stop the expulsions. Barnard, if it wants to be on the right side of history has to protect its students and protect those students who are fighting for a just world for all people and all Palestinians,” she concluded.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt