Govt under fire over harsh budget proposals

ISLAMABAD   -  The government in Monday’s National Assembly budget sitting came under severe criticism for putting extra burden of taxes over poverty stricken segment of the society.

The lawmakers from treasury benches also joined hands with the opposition for introducing unpopular budgetary proposals that would further increase inflation in the country.

PPP’s Abdul Qadir Gilani, taking part in budget discussion, said the PML-N should have to come up with some positive economic solution.

“We (PPP) have been supporting the ruling party only for national interest,” he said, adding that the PPP in past had supported the PML-N in shape of ‘Charter of Democracy’ now they are ready to help the ‘Charter of Economy’.

He also pointed out deprivation of South Punjab by saying that this area has not been given sufficient funds.

MNA Sheikh Waqas Akram from opposition benches, on his turn, said the party members were not given a level playing field in the elections.

Akram said that the government has imposed taxed based budget over already poverty stricken people that would increase miseries of masses.

He was of the view that this system would collapse because of not delivering as per the tall claims.

He pointed out even the coalition partners are not supporting the ruling party on its budgetary proposals. He made a point that the coalition partners should also rationally support the finance bill 2024-25.

He suggested the government for withdrawing subsidies to health and other sectors. “The government has announced Rs 75 billion development schemes while Rs 42 and Rs 30 billion subsidies have been withdrawn from the health and poultry sectors,” he said.

Akram said a consumer using 200 units was paying Rs 3083 while consumer will pay over Rs 8071 monthly bill if he uses 201 units which he said was not justified.

The PTI MNA criticized increase in taxes on the salaried class. “Present government had withdrawn 25 percent exemption which was given to teachers and researchers on their salaries,” he said, adding that these unpopular measures would not support the salaried class persons.

PPP MNA from Sindh Nabeel Gabol said that they (PPP) were unable to understand whether they in in treasury benches or on opposition side. He also opposed budgetary proposals.

PkMAP chief Mahmood Achakzai, on his turn, said that Pakistani have not been able to become a nation in the last 77 years.

“If somebody likes his remarks or not, this Parliament would have to give external and internal policies of the country,” he said, adding that neither Balochs nor Pakhtuns were colony of anybody.

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