LAHORE - International Human Rights Movement (IHRM) Central Senior Vice Chairman Mian Shahzad Hasaan Wattoo Advocate has said that Israel has pushed humanity under the nose of the international conscience. Economic boycott of Israel is not enough, force must be answered with force to prevent barbarism. The Gaza crisis is actually a test of the Islamic world, in this regard, guidance should be taken from the Holy Quran. There is no hope from “dead nations”, OIC has also disappointed every time. The Israeli rulers and their allies who make Gaza a killing ground and a mass grave are evil for humanity, every evil must be destroyed for lasting peace in the world. The murderer of Israel did not even spare the Palestinian babies, Gaza looks like a silent city. In one of his statements, Mian Shahzad Hassan Wattoo Advocate added that as a result of Israeli brutality, thousands of Palestinian infants and pregnant women were martyred, while the rest are suffering from severe injuries and lack of food and medical facilities. None of the heirs of Ghazwat became the heirs of Gaza. He said that the world conscience continued to watch and Israel killed thousands of Palestinians, including infants, unjustly. For the past four months, there has been a scene of a minor resurrection in Gaza. There are no buildings safe including mosques, medical centers and citizens. He said that Israel was continuously raining gun powders on Gaza while the closed eyes and tongues of the powerful forces did not open. Alas, despite the worst genocide of the Palestinians, the expedient Muslim rulers are not ready to raise the knowledge of Jihad against Israel, let alone the word of truth. With humanity and heartbreak the behaviour is tantamount to flouting the United Nations code of conduct.