KP minister discusses matters of mutual interest with Imam-e-Kaaba

PESHAWAR  -  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s caretaker Minister for Indus­tries, Commerce, Technical Education, and Tribal Dis­tricts’ Affairs, Dr. Aamer Abdullah, recently met with Imam-e-Kaaba Sheikh Dr. Saleh bin Abdullah bin Hu­maid during the latter’s four-day visit to Pakistan in Islamabad. Saudi Ambassador to Pakistan, Nawaf bin Saeed Ahmed Al-Malkiy, was also in attendance.

Dr. Abdullah warmly welcomed Imam-e-Kaaba on be­half of the people of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, particularly the tribal areas. He emphasized the deep reverence that the region holds for Imam Kaaba due to its profound as­sociation with the Holy Harmain Shareefain. The care­taker minister regarded Imam Kaaba’s visit to Pakistan as a blessed occasion, expressing gratitude for his pres­ence and requesting a special prayer for Muslim unity and the resolution of divisions among them.

Imam-e-Kaaba stressed the detrimental impact of internal discord within the Muslim Ummah, high­lighting that despite believing in one Allah and be­ing followers of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), divisions persist. He emphasized the Prophet’s teachings of unity among believers and urged adher­ence to this principle. While acknowledging the exist­ence of diverse tribes, he emphasized that tribal dif­ferences should not lead to disunity, as all Muslims belong to the Ummah of one Prophet.

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