Promoting high-quality development of CPEC

On May 21 this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping exchanged a congratulatory message with Pakistani President Arif Alvi to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the establishment of China-Pakistan diplomatic relations.

The two heads of state reviewed how mutual trust and friendship between the two countries have withstood the test of the changing international landscape over the past 70 years and always remained rock-solid, hailed the remarkable achievement attained by the construction of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), and expounded the significance of all-weather strategic partnership of cooperation between the two nations. President Xi added, “I would like to work with you to deepen strategic communication and practical cooperation between the two countries, and promote the high-quality development of CPEC”.  This has given direction and momentum to the CPEC construction in the new era, and boosted our confidence in building CPEC into a model for high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative and fostering a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future.

1. Mutual trust and friendship between the two sides are rock-solid

In his message, President Xi pointed out that the two countries, as all-weather strategic cooperative partners, have extended each other steadfast support over issues concerning our core interests and major concerns; our mutual trust and friendship have always been rock solid despite changes in the international situation over the past seven decades. Over the past 70 years, the two countries have always trusted and supported each other with sincere sympathy, stood together through thick and thin, with bilateral bond and friendship growing ever deeper and stronger as time goes by.

China and Pakistan have forged a unique and iron clad amity throughout history. Over 2,000 years ago, the Silk Road became a bridge of friendship linking our two ancient civilizations. At present, CPEC, with significant progress, has elevated our ironclad bilateral relations. Moving forward, both sides will jointly build an even closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future for the benefits to both countries and people. Friendship between China and Pakistan is based on sincere trust and mutual support through both good and hard times, an example of amicable relations between countries. The Pakistani people call China-Pakistan friendship as higher than the mountain, deeper than the sea and sweeter than honey. And we Chinese fondly refer to the Pakistani people as our good friends, good neighbors, good partners, and good brothers. Under this vision, we will forge ahead in building a China-Pakistan community with a shared future.

2. The development of CPEC has achieved remarkable results

President Xi Jinping stated in his message that in recent years, with joint efforts of both sides, the construction of CPEC has achieved remarkable results, bringing important benefits to the two peoples and adding strong impetus to regional prosperity. CPEC is a pioneering project of the Belt and Road Initiative. Acting on the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, the two sides formed a “1+4” cooperation structure within short time. Though many foreign investors haltedtheir projects and pulled capital out of Pakistan due to severe shock from COVID-19 pandemic, CPEC has been proceeding uninterruptedly, with no Pakistani jobs cut and no Chinese staff withdrawn. Such actions win the hearts of our Iron Brothers and make CPEC a demonstrative project for high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative. The joint development of the Gwadar Port has made significant progress.  Energy projects have seen notable results. 

3. Promoting high-quality development 

of CPEC 

The 10th Joint Cooperation Committee Meeting on CPEC was successfully held on September 23, 2021. The construction of CPEC has entered a new stage of development. To earnestly implement the important instructions of the two heads of state on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of our diplomatic, we will focus on the “1+4” cooperation structure to promote the high-quality operation of CPEC, build it into a model project for the high-quality BRI development, and create a closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future in the new era.

We are committed to building a healthy corridor. We are committed to building an industrial corridor. We are committed to building a trade corridor. We are committed to building a digital corridor. We are committed to building a green corridor.  We will jointly advocate the concept of “green mountains are golden mountains” by strengthening cooperation on green infrastructure, green energy, green finance, green agriculture, green forests, green investment, and international low-carbon recycling parks. In so doing, we will make green a defining feature of CPEC, enhance a closer partnership for green development, and build a low-carbon corridor between China and Pakistan.


Writer is Vice Chairman of National Development and Reform Commission and Chinese Chairman of the CPEC Joint Cooperation Committee


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