Salik highlights women’s role in religious, community awareness

ISLAMABAD    -   Minister for Religious Affairs and Interfaith Harmony, Chaudhry Salik Hussain on Sunday emphasised the indis­pensable role of women in foster­ing religious, cultural and commu­nity awareness.

Addressing the 35th Interna­tional Conference of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs, held in Cairo, he highlighted the theme, ‘The Role of Women in Building Awareness,’ stressing the crucial impact women have in various do­mains, including religious enlight­enment, community service and family development.

Minister Salik referred to the Holy Quran and the Hadith to un­derscore the recognition and re­ward for women’s contributions in Islam. He quoted the Quran­ic verse, “Whoever does right­eousness, whether male or fe­male, while being a believer, We will surely cause him to live a good life,” emphasizing that both men and women are equally responsi­ble for creating a just society.

He further cited a hadith from the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him, which praised the wom­en of Ansar for their pursuit of re­ligious knowledge, highlighting the importance of women’s education and understanding of faith as a cor­nerstone for building awareness.

Highlighting the contributions of women in community servic­es, the minister noted their trans­formative role in healthcare, edu­cation, social work, and advocacy. He acknowledged women’s lead­ership in global health initiatives, mental health advocacy and dis­ease prevention, emphasizing their dedication to the well-being and development of communities.

Minister Salik also pointed out the evolving role of women in fam­ily life, recognising their balance of professional careers with family responsibilities. He praised wom­en’s involvement in shaping fami­ly policies and child development programmes, which ensure the needs of children are met and fam­ily life is supported in a balanced and inclusive manner.

In his closing remarks, the fed­eral minister praised the profound contributions of Egypt, particular­ly Al-Azhar University, in nurtur­ing Islamic scholarship and fos­tering a deep understanding of the faith. He commended the institu­tion for its legacy of wisdom and learning, noting its pivotal role in shaping the minds and hearts of Muslims worldwide.

The minister extended his grat­itude to the President of Egypt for hosting the conference and lauded Dr Mukhtar Jumaa, Egypt’s Minis­ter of Awqaf, for his exemplary ef­forts in reforming religious insti­tutions and promoting moderate Islamic thought.

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