TDAP organises awareness session for exporters on banking channels between Pakistan, Eurasia, Central Asia

KARACHI  -  Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) successfully organized an insight­ful awareness session for exporters, shed­ding light on the available banking chan­nels for financial transactions between Pakistan, Eurasia and Central Asia.

The event, held at TDAP headquarters, Karachi, witnessed the participation of over 30 attendees in person and more than 50 participants online, underscoring the grow­ing interest and importance of cross-border trade in the region. Shamwail Sohail, Chief Compliance Officer from the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), served as the key speaker for the session. His exper­tise and insights added immense value to the event, providing attendees with a com­prehensive understanding of the working dynamics of ICBC Pakistan. Sohail delved into the ways ICBC facilitates Pakistani and Chinese businesses and banks in settling cross-border transactions, as well as meet­ing the financing needs of both countries.

The session, inaugurated by the Direc­tor General of Media, Research and Publi­cations Division (MRPD), welcomed both physical and online participants. The di­rector general expressed gratitude for the significant turnout and highlighted the importance of such sessions in fostering stronger economic ties between Pakistan, Eurasia and Central Asia. During the pre­sentation, Shamwail Sohail elucidated on ICBC’s role in arranging Renminbi (RMB) transactions, encompassing buying, sell­ing, borrowing, or lending for participat­ing banks in Pakistan. He emphasized the bank’s commitment to facilitating seam­less financial transactions between the two Pakistan, Eurasia and Central Asia.

Addressing the sensitive nature of trans­actions, Sohail emphasized that all types of transactions with sanctioned countries, customers, entities, and products (sanc­tioned targets) are strictly prohibited, ensuring compliance with international regulations. The session concluded with an engaging question-and-answer ses­sion, allowing participants to seek clarifi­cation on various aspects of cross-border transactions. Sohail addressed the queries, providing valuable insights and guidance to the exporters present. The TDAP aware­ness session not only provided a platform for networking and knowledge-sharing but also demonstrated the commitment of Trade Development Authority of Pakistan to empower exporters with the necessary information to navigate the complex land­scape of international transactions.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt