Chinese vessels seek shelter to survive monsoon at Gwadar

ISLAMABAD   -   Five Chinese fishing vessels at Gwa­dar Anchorage calling for emergency shelter from the monsoon of the Indi­an Ocean.

As per the Consulate General of China in Karachi, the five Chinese fishing ves­sels at Gwadar Anchorage were calling for emergency shelter from the mon­soon of the Indian Ocean on May 27, according to Gwadar Pro.

These vessels were only 5 nautical miles away from the Gwadar port and have informed all the relevant authori­ties such as Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA), Model Customs Collec­torate Gwadar (MCC Gwadar), Gwadar Port Authority (GPA) and Balochistan Fisheries Department (Fisheries) on June 4.

According to the Consulate General, these vessels would likely to stay at Gwa­dar Anchorage and Gwadar Port to main­tain machines, replenish stocks, etc.

As the southwest monsoon pre­vailed in the northern part of the Indi­an Ocean in mid-May this year, the fleet started to enter Pakistan’s territorial waters from the high seas to take shel­ter from the wind.

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