Gill terms Nawaz’s fake Covid entry a conspiracy against country

LAHORE - Special Assistant to the Prime Minister (SAPM) on Political Communication Dr Shahbaz Gill Saturday termed the fake Covid vaccination entry of former prime minister Nawaz Sharif a conspiracy to defame the integrity of the country and its institutions. He said Maryam Nawaz was the mastermind of that conspiracy.

“In every conspiracy hatched against the country, from Dawn leaks to vaccine leak, it has a link with Maryam Nawaz who, like her father Nawaz Sharif, is making every attempt to defame Pakistan before the international community for vested interests,” he alleged while addressing a press conference at Governor’s House here.

Giving details, the SAPM said that while Maryam Nawaz was the mastermind, the whole plan was executed by PML-N MPAs including Ch Shehbaz and Imran Nazir with the help of three other characters namely Adil Rafiq, Abul Hasan and Naveed. “Naveed has fled the country whereas two others have been put behind bars. The investigation is underway against them,” he said, adding that Adil Rafiq was recruited in 2015 and Hasan in 2017 due to their links with the PML-N. “They have been diehard supporters of the PML-N,” he claimed. He affirmed that the third accused Naveed would be brought back to the country and the law would take its course against him for working against the integrity of Pakistan. He alleged that the PML-N during its tenure wreaked havoc on the institutions and inducted its supporters and blue eyed persons in violation of rules and regulations.

PM’s special assistant says Maryam Nawaz is the mastermind

Shahbaz alleged that the PML-N workers themselves spread the news of their leader’s fake vaccination on social media and the Indian media later started a campaign against Pakistan. “The entire episode was aimed at portraying a negative picture of the country before the enemies of Pakistan and other countries. The government will ensure initiation of a legal action against the accused and justice will be served,” he averred. He also lauded the efficiency of Punjab Health Minister Yasmin Rashid in exposing the PML-N conspiracy against the country.

The SAPM alleged that the PML-N supporters were given government jobs without following the rules and regulations. “It ultimately destroyed the institutions,” he added.

To a question, Gill said that the ideology of the PTI was to ensure dispensation of speedy justice to every citizen irrespective of status. He said that the PTI’s alliance with the lawyers’ fraternity was natural as the aim of both was the provision of justice. He said that the Covid-19 pandemic had hit the entire world, adding that all countries across the world had imposed a complete lockdown. “But, during the testing times, only Prime Minister Imran Khan opposed complete lockdown to protect the poor segments of the country,” he maintained.

“Today, the international organisations have been appreciating the Pakistan government for its diligent handling of Covid-19 pandemic. He said that brotherly country China extended valuable help in provision of Covid-19 vaccine to the people of Pakistan in war against coronavirus. He said that the PTI government was the custodian of every penny of the country as the prime minister’s office saved more than one billion rupees by observing austerity in all affairs of the government in three years.


ePaper - Nawaiwaqt