‘PPP wants consensus on constitutional amendments’

PPP leader Shazia Marri says Constitutional Court need of the hour

ISLAMABAD   -  Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) on Wednesday said that it wanted consen­sus on the constitutional amendments.

Addressing a news conference here, PPP leaders Shazia Marri and Senator Palwasha Khan emphasised that the PPP was committed to taking all stake­holders on board, and that the Char­ter of Democracy (CoD) was an agree­ment between major political parties to strengthen democracy. 

Shazia Marri stressed the importance of establishing a Federal Constitution­al Court. She said that both the govern­ment and courts had failed to provide relief to the public. “It took 45 years to seek justice in the case of Shaheed Zu­lfikar Ali Bhutto,” she lamented, refer­ring to Bhutto’s controversial execu­tion.

She highlighted the delays in the jus­tice system, noting that ordinary peo­ple continue to wait years for deci­sions in their legitimate cases. “Courts are busy handling political cases. Only 10-15% of cases pertain to the gener­al public, while 80% are political.” Mar­ri said.

She mentioned that PPP chief Bilaw­al Bhutto Zardari had suggested estab­lishing provincial constitutional courts as well, to ease the burden and expe­dite justice for common people.

Clarifying the PPP’s stance, Marri in­sisted that the party does not intend to reduce the powers of the Chief Jus­tice but rather promote power-sharing within the judiciary.

“Parliament’s job is to legislate, and it must not be hindered for political rea­sons. Institutions must be discussed in the context of national interest, not in­dividual personalities,” she remarked. 

Shazia Marri also criticised the Pa­kistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) for under­mining the judiciary by making judges controversial. “An institution (judici­ary) is admitting its past mistakes, re­flecting a change in society, but some are intent on making judges controver­sial,” she added. She said the PTI wants justice but only for an individual – PTI founder Imran Khan.

In her comments, Senator Palwasha Khan highlighted constitutional court importance, stating that it remains an unfinished mission of Shaheed Bena­zir Bhutto. 

“It is Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s re­sponsibility to fulfil the vision of his mother,” she added. Palwasha under­scored that the constitutional court would strengthen the federation and noted that in 2006, even Imran Khan had supported the CoD. “If the PTI has any alternative drafts, they should bring them forward,” she remarked.

Palwasha also questioned why the PTI, which did not object to the CoD in 2006, was now opposing the creation of a constitutional court. She pointed out that this court would prevent any one province from monopolizing pow­er.

Both leaders criticised the interna­tional media coverage of Imran Khan, particularly in Israeli newspapers. “Why is it that an international cam­paign is being run for Imran Khan?” Palwasha noted, adding that foreign forces have a vested interest in sup­porting Khan.

She expressed concern over how these forces have aligned themselves with Khan, while other political par­ties like PPP and the Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) were unable to get similar coverage abroad.

“Imran Khan is part of an interna­tional agenda to destabilise Pakistan,” Palwasha said, adding the PPP will con­tinue to uphold the spirit of democracy as envisioned by Benazir Bhutto.

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