Farewell event held for Palestinian envoy Ahmad Rabaie

ISLAMABAD   -   The Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East & Africa (CAMEA) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI) organized a farewell event yesterday in honor of Ahmad Rabaie, Ambassador of the State of Palestine to Pakistan. The event was moderated by Ms. Amina Khan, Director of CAMEA. The speakers included Ambassador Sohail Mahmood, Director General of ISSI; Ambassador Khalid Mahmood, Chairman of the Board of Governors (BoG) of ISSI; and H.E. Ambassador Ahmad Rabaie.

In her remarks, Ms. Amina Khan emphasized the deep-rooted bonds between Pakistan and Palestine, built on brotherhood and solidarity. She noted Pakistan’s consistent support for the Palestinian people in their struggle for a homeland and expressed gratitude for Ambassador Rabaie’s efforts in strengthening the bilateral relationship. Speaking on the occasion, Ambassador Sohail Mahmood commended Ambassador Ahmad Rabaie for his valuable efforts to deepen the fraternal Pakistan-Palestine relations and to promote the just cause of the Palestinian people, particularly in the wake of developments since October 7, 2023. Sharing his deep anguish over the relentless military onslaught against the Palestinians in Gaza, he noted that the issue pertains to a decades-long illegal occupation of Palestinian lands and a consistent denial of their right to self-determination and statehood. Ambassador Sohail Mahmood underscored that Pakistan’s support for the Palestinians stems from three factors: a moral imperative to support their just struggle for an independent state; Quaid’s injunctions dating back even prior to the creation of Pakistan; and a historically consistent stance of solidarity with the Palestinians.

He also drew parallels between the oppression and injustices faced by both Palestinians and Kashmiris. He highlighted that the Government of Pakistan has consistently supported the Palestinian cause through political and diplomatic means, humanitarian aid, advocacy at the United Nations, and human resource development. Ambassador Sohail Mahmood emphasized that Pakistan remains steadfast in its position that the Palestinian people must have a viable sovereign and independent state, based on pre-1967 borders, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital. He concluded by thanking Ambassador Rabaie for his services and wishing him well in his future endeavors.

Ambassador Ahmad Rabaie expressed deep gratitude for Pakistan’s unwavering support for Palestine, especially after October 7. He highlighted the tragic toll of the conflict, with most victims being women and children, and over 150,000 Palestinians killed and injured. He praised Pakistan’s swift response, including the formation of a committee to send vital humanitarian aid. Ambassador Rabaie also acknowledged Pakistan’s unmatched diplomatic and political support at the United Nations. He was moved by the active support of Pakistan’s youth, who have vocally opposed the ongoing genocide and expressed hope for the future. Ambassador Rabaie especially thanked ISSI for its consistent focus on the Gaza situation and its support and solidarity with Palestinians during this difficult time.

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