Splendour of Human Capital

Mohibullah’s beautiful response, that he felt compelled to act while others hesitated, wins the day.

Humility, empathy, courage, selflessness, bravery, grit, ability—the list goes on, each word brimming with its own splendour. But what could be Mohibullah Khan’s favourite word, the one that holds his heart and sinew?

On August 19th, 2024, the Toba Achakzai area in Qila Abdullah District, Balochistan, was engulfed by the wrath of heavy flash floods. Videos that surfaced tell the harrowing tale of a family of five, including a mother and her three children, trapped in a Land Cruiser, struggling against the torrent as they tried to avoid a fatal waterfall. As the perilous rescue loomed, Mohibullah Khan sprang into action, persuading others to help the stranded family. An idea sparked, and Mohibullah raced home on his motorbike to fetch his excavator. With unflinching bravery, he ventured into the floodwaters, risking his life. After several attempts, he finally succeeded in lifting the Land Cruiser with his excavator, bringing the family safely to shore. Bravo. Hail, Mohibullah Khan—I’m your top fan. You are Pakistan.

This is the splendour of Pakistan’s human capital, a heroic act to say the least. Pride, indeed. But there’s more to Mohibullah’s story. After the rescue, Mohibullah was deeply humble, his modesty inspiring an even more profound beauty. He shared, “While others hesitated, I felt compelled to act as I heard the cries of children trapped in the floodwaters. I attribute my ability to save the family to Divine intervention. God blessed me with unseen help.” Mohibullah’s motivation was anything but financial; he refused a monetary reward from the family he rescued, acting purely out of faith and an overwhelming desire to help those in need.

Ladies and gentlemen, what could be Mohibullah Khan’s favourite word, the one that holds his heart and sinew? Perhaps it is “God”?

What followed was a series of well-deserved commendations and lavish praise, both from the State of Pakistan and the public at large. To honour his heroic act, Mohibullah was awarded half a million rupees by the Corps Commander Quetta, and the Government of Balochistan promised a scholarship for Mohibullah’s son. Several other organisations and individuals, including Hilal-e-Ahmar Balochistan and the Awami National Party, also honoured him with cash prizes and certificates. The broader community, hearts from all walks of life, continues to celebrate Mohibullah, highlighting the significance of everyday heroes like him. These tributes emphasise the impact of individual heroism and how it can create lasting inspiration.

Mohibullah’s beautiful response, that he felt compelled to act while others hesitated, wins the day. His attribution of it all to God’s grace and divine intervention highlights the beauty he holds and manifests. This Op-Ed is dedicated to Mohibullah Khan and his God-fearing disposition. The event’s outreach, thanks to media’s social clout, has been encouraging; governmental recognition has arrived too, and we are certain more public honours will follow. The scholarship promised for Mohibullah’s son is a notable effort to provide long-term benefits to his family, which could greatly impact their future. Broader policy implications and the need for integration are things the nation would look forward to and appreciate. Mohibullah’s heroism and community service call on us all to institutionalise heroism and to celebrate more of it day in and day out. Let this be a gesture of gratitude for us all, to cherish and remember this for a long time. Whenever you doubt that you can’t be a hero, be a Mohibullah Khan instead.

Hats off and thanks again, Sir Mohibullah Khan.

Talha Abbasi
The writer is an aspiring coach and freelance contributor.

The writer is an aspiring coach and freelance contributor.

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