Capital braces for rising pollen allergy threat

ISLAMABAD   -  Medi­cal experts on Monday is­sued a warning to pollen allergy patients in the fed­eral capital, advising them to take necessary preven­tive measures. These in­clude increased water in­take and avoiding green areas as the pollen count is expected to rise in March, posing a threat to individ­uals with allergies.

Allergy specialist Dr. Umar Saeed emphasized the importance of time­ly precautions for asthma and other allergic patients with the onset of spring. Wearing a face mask, keep­ing windows and doors closed, especially during dawn and dusk, and avoid­ing outdoor activities dur­ing this time are recom­mended measures.

The pollen allergy season typically commences in March, with an increase in pollen levels posing risks to respiratory, asthma, dia­betic, and high blood pres­sure patients.

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