Business Facilitation Centre being established to facilitate business community

ISLAMABAD   -  A Business Facilitation Centre is being established under the banner of the Board of Investment, where business community will get one-window facilities and their problems of business related departments will be solved under one roof. Federal Minister for Board of Investment, Privatization and Communications Abdul Aleem Khan visited the under construction Business Facilitation Center in Islamabad where he issued instructions that the quality and speed of work on this business center with the collaboration of Board of Investment and CDA be improved. Abdul Aleem Khan directed the change in the layout plan of the Business Facilitation Center and directed that 40 counters will work simultaneously to solve the problems of businessmen in this center while for this purpose competent officers educated from universities should be deputed on these desks to attend the business community. He said that this facility center should be a model institution as more such centers will be built later on this pattern. Abdul Aleem Khan further said that apart from Islamabad, businessmen from other provinces should also be given facilities in this center and the Board of Investment should work practically to help the business community beyond the old traditional methods. He said that business facilitation building of this center should be in line with the modern requirements where there should be an excellent coffee shop facility for the businessmen visiting the center along with internet and other facilities. Federal Minister for Board of Investment Abdul Aleem Khan was briefed by Chairman CDA Muhammad Ali Randhawa on the construction of the business center and assured all possible support from the Capital Development Authority and told that early completion will be made as per directions. Federal Secretary for Board of Investment Abdul Rahim Qureshi and senior officers highlighted the important aspects of the under-construction Business Facilitation Center.

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