AMI Meters by IESCO

The Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) has taken the lead among other DISCOs in replacing its residential and commercial conventional meters with advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) smart meters. In the traditional meter reading system, meter readers had to manually read and record the readings from each meter, a time-consuming and error-prone process. AMI meters, however, provide automated readings by using advanced communication and data processing technologies. The readings from these meters are automatically transmitted to a central control room, eliminating the need for manual meter readings, reducing the chances of human error, and preventing meter tampering.

IESCO has trained its staff to ensure the proper operation of these meters, leading to the cessation of physical meter readings and saving valuable manpower and material resources. Another key feature of AMI meters is their ability to remotely disconnect and reconnect service in the event of a power failure, thus negating the need for technical staff to be physically present to perform this task. However, it remains uncertain whether the relevant IESCO staff possess the capability to carry out this remote operation effectively in densely populated urban areas.

Despite their advantages, these smart meters also present several challenges and issues that IESCO must address. Their data can be vulnerable to hacking for illegal purposes, thereby jeopardising customers’ privacy. IESCO must ensure data security and protect sensitive customer information from unauthorised access, misuse, and theft.

Nevertheless, the installation of AMI meters is IESCO’s decision, aimed at upgrading its distribution system without customer involvement or interaction. Consequently, the benefits will primarily accrue to IESCO, and the cost of adopting the AMI system should not be passed on to customers.



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