Breaking the silence

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to highlight a grave issue: breaking the silence and exposing the truth of Parachinar, Banu, and Gwadar.

While Pakistan’s government is preoccupied with international affairs, what about its own country? The cities of Parachinar, Banu, and Gwadar are experiencing severe violations, yet the government’s response has been utterly inadequate. Parachinar, a city in the Kurram District, has witnessed brutal killings by extremists, with the lack of government intervention being unacceptable. It raises the question: are the lives of the people of Parachinar not worthy of government attention?

Similarly, Banu faces unspecified violations, potentially linked to extremism or governance issues, which demand immediate attention, yet the government remains inactive. Additionally, Gwadar, a strategic port city in Balochistan, is being exploited for its resources, with the local population denied their rightful share of revenue and basic rights. This situation fosters distrust between the people of Balochistan and the government.

The government’s priorities seem skewed, as they actively highlight international causes while ignoring the voices of their own citizens. This hypocrisy must end. It’s time for the government to take appropriate steps to address these issues, ensuring the safety, rights, and well-being of all Pakistanis. These cities are part of Pakistan and deserve the same respect as other developed cities in the country. I hope you will raise my concerns through your newspaper’s columns so that people become aware of the violations within their own country and begin to acknowledge them.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt