Unity, Responsibility, and Progress

The Pakistan we enjoy today was achieved through the immense sacrifices of its leaders and people. They sacrificed their lives, wealth, and time so that we could live in an independent nation. They sacrificed for their children so that we could live freely on Pakistani soil.

Today, on 14 August, we proudly hold the Pakistani flag and our streets echo with the national anthem. But tomorrow, the flag will be taken down, and the same Pakistan will be criticised and cursed. The youth and many others in Pakistan ask, “What has Pakistan given us?” My question is, what have we given to Pakistan? Besides hoisting its flag on 14 August, what are we doing for Pakistan? Is this the Pakistan that Iqbal dreamed of? Is this the Pakistan for which Quaid worked tirelessly?

In short, we are always talking about our rights but not our responsibilities. We all need to make collective efforts to make this Pakistan an Islamic Republic in the true sense. Every small action counts and can lead to significant positive change.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt