Air taxi service formally launched from Karachi

The good news from the Pakistan aviation industry is that the air taxi service has been formally launched from Karachi.

The new air taxi service will be equally beneficial to people interested in travel and tourism or those desirous of flying in any emergency as the airplane could be booked based on hourly airfare to fly anywhere in Pakistan.

Initially, Sky Wings Aviation launched the air taxi service for all airports, airfields, and landing strips in Sindh and Balochistan.

CEO Sky Wings Aviation Imran Aslam said that they had four air taxis available with them at the launching of the service. The introductory per-hour airfare of the service is Rs95,000.

He said that in the next stage, the air taxi service would be available to all airports in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa after some time. Each of the planes of the air taxi service will provide air travel services to three passengers at a time.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt