PTI rejects verdict, vows to move court

ISLAMABAD   -  Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) on Thursday categorically rejected the decision of the Islamabad district and sessions court in the Iddat case against former prime minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi, labelling it as ridiculous and gross miscarriage of justice.

The opposition party also announced to move the Islamabad High Court (IHC) against the verdict.

Hours before, the district and sessions court had turned down the pleas of Khan and Bibi to suspend their seven-year sentences in the Iddat case.

A PTI spokesperson strongly reacted to the Additional District and Sessions Judge (ADSJ) Afzal Majoka’s decision, terming it “a sheer injustice and a blatant display of total disregard for justice.”

He announced that they would immediately approach the IHC against the judgment.

The spokesperson stated that the case had been used as a justification to keep PTI founder Khan and his wife in jail, which was evident from the flagrant violation of law and justice in the case at each step since day one.

The PTI spokesperson alleged that the trial court and present court completely failed to uphold justice and prove themselves as guardians of justice after the “absurd tactics and tricks being used by the petitioner and prosecution, who were dancing to the tune of the masqueraders and the planners.”

He made it clear that they would exhaust all avenues and take all possible steps to secure the release of the PTI Founding Chairman Khan and his wife at the earliest.

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