Upholding Kashmir

The President and Prime Minister’s recent remarks resonate with Pakistan’s long-standing commitment to the Kashmiri cause, a stance rooted in historical and moral responsibility. The issue of Kashmir has remained a lingering wound in the heart of South Asia, largely due to the prolonged denial of Kashmiri voices seeking self-determination. Today, as atrocities persist, it is critical to remember and support their struggle, ensuring the world does not turn a blind eye.

The Kashmir issue has festered since 1947, a consequence of partition that left this region in limbo, its people trapped between political agendas. Resolutions from the United Nations called for a plebiscite, allowing Kashmiris the right to choose their future. Yet, decades later, this promise remains unfulfilled, and Kashmiris endure life under an oppressive regime, their cries muffled by an international community reluctant to intervene.

Pakistan government’s renewed emphasis on this matter underscores the need for active international engagement and solidarity with Kashmiris. Their plight is not just a bilateral issue between India and Pakistan but a humanitarian crisis that should concern the entire world. By failing to act, the global community allows a situation where countless lives are constrained by military presence, rights are suppressed, and the very essence of freedom is denied.

This issue must remain at the forefront of global dialogue. The pursuit of peace and justice in Kashmir is as relevant now as it was decades ago. It is high time the demands of the Kashmiri people—justice, freedom, and self-determination—are met with genuine commitment, not just from Pakistan but from every nation that upholds the principles of human rights and dignity.

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