KP traders join nationwide strike against tax reforms

Tanzeem-e-Tajiran Khyber Pakhtunkhwa terms Tajir Dost Scheme anti-traders

Peshawar   -  Traders across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa joined a nationwide strike on Wednesday, protesting the government’s tax reforms alongside their counterparts from other provinces.

The traders gathered at a protest camp organized by the Tanzeem-e-Tajiran Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where they voiced their discontent against the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and the government.

Malik Mehr Elahi, President of Tanzeem-e-Tajiran, along with other trader association leaders, including Peshawar Chamber President Salman Elahi Malik, addressed the crowd.

Malik Mehr Elahi blamed the government for the nationwide strike, accusing it of misleading traders with the “Tajir Dost Scheme,” which he claimed was anti-trader and anti-business.

He argued that the scheme was never designed to be beneficial for traders and accused the government and FBR of causing its failure.

Other speakers criticized the government’s policies, demanding the immediate repeal of the FBR’s SROs and the elimination of the 2.5 percent withholding tax on food items, medicines, and flour.

They also called for the removal of rent on meters and an end to agreements with independent power producers, as well as an increase in gas tariffs.

The traders further demanded an end to the privileges enjoyed by politicians, civil and military bureaucracies, and other VIPs, arguing that the elite should not shift their financial burdens onto ordinary citizens and traders.

They stressed that no other country subsidizes its elite at the expense of common people and noted that Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, having suffered from militancy and military operations, deserves special relief.

The traders warned that while this strike was a symbolic gesture, they would shut down their businesses indefinitely if their demands were not met, placing the blame for any economic disruptions squarely on the government.

In Charsadda, Awami National Party (ANP) President Aimal Wali Khan addressed a traders’ protest, blaming unchecked state spending for the country’s economic problems. He noted that inflation had reached record highs, imposing hardships on both the business community and the general public due to heavy taxation. He expressed full support for the traders’ demands and endorsed all 19 points raised by them.

In Malakand district too, a complete shutter-down strike was observed. Business centers in Dargai, Sakhakot, Batkhela, and Thana were closed, leaving markets deserted and roads empty. Alongside business closures, all private educational institutions in the district were also shut down.

Political parties and the legal community in various districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have expressed full support for the strike, announcing their solidarity with the protest. Trader organizations in Malakand are planning protests and sit-ins, declaring they will not pay taxes included in electricity bills under any circumstances.

Similar protests were held in Upper and Lower Dir, Mardan, Lakki Marwat, and other districts of KP.

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