Misplaced Priorities

The Balochistan government’s decision to prevent the Quetta Press Club from hosting any political party or group for a seminar or press conference without prior approval is an unusual move, especially given the priorities it should be focusing on. Ensuring the safety of civilians travelling to other provinces, countering terrorism across its rugged terrain, and formulating policies to improve law and order should be the government’s main concerns in the aftermath of such a horrendous tragedy and a direct attack on the state. However, it appears that the Balochistan government’s priorities lie in stifling criticism, whether real or imagined.

Allowing people to access the press club to voice their concerns and discuss incidents across the province is a fundamental part of democracy that should not be curtailed without valid reason. While the government’s concern that the press club premises could be used by groups to further destabilise the province at such a critical time is understandable, a blanket ban on all press conferences without prior approval is excessive. The government has already identified organisations allowed access to the media and those that are not, and this system should be sufficient to ensure the press club does not become a tool for destabilisation.

Moreover, the optics of this move are troubling. It suggests that the government is more concerned with its image in the eyes of the public than with addressing the underlying issues that have led to criticism in the first place. Now is the time for decisive and extensive action.

This must be the last time terrorists masquerading as separatists plague Balochistan if we are to progress as a modern nation within the community of nation-states. The government’s focus must be on developing policies that address this threat while allowing journalists to independently assess the effectiveness of these policies, freely question their intentions and efficiency, and, hopefully, one day declare the province a safe and stable place for all Pakistani citizens and the international community.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt