Bound to be Belligerent

Ever since the emergence of the PTI on the political landscape, it has never missed an opportunity to be relevant in Pakistani politics. Astonishingly, it has always played a despicable and devastating role, fraught with myriad controversies and conflicts. The so-called political party is once again in the limelight, this time regarding a controversially disputed tweet from the X handle (formerly Twitter) of the founding chairman PTI’s account, featuring Sheikh Mujeebur Rehman and drawing parallels between the horrendous political landscape in 1971 and the current political scenario. According to the PTI spokesman, the single largest party, referring to the PTI, is being pushed to the wall, and a massive crackdown is being carried out against its top-tier leadership and workers.

This controversial and anti-state narrative has been concocted and propagated by the massively paid keyboard warriors of the party to disseminate and spread anti-state propaganda, even from foreign soil. It is more condemning that some political observers and analysts have been praising the social media team of the PTI for operating from abroad to remain relevant in Pakistani politics despite being ousted from power two years ago and having its top-tier leadership incarcerated in Adiyala prison.

There is no doubt that the social media wing of the said party is vehemently pursuing its nefarious agenda, inciting mutiny and anarchy in the country through malicious campaigns against the security and judicial institutions. The most perplexing question is why this party and its social media wing have been granted carte blanche to play with the interests of the state and the country.

Another brewing crisis that may explode in the near future is the situation of political workers, perpetrators, facilitators, planners, and abettors of the said party who have been involved in taking up cudgels against the state, specifically by attacking and ransacking the buildings and premises of security institutions on May 9. Despite a whole year passing, they are still at large.

The heart of the matter is that the May 9 mayhem was particularly aimed at undermining the military institution’s might. The institution sagaciously exercised the utmost restraint that day, but this restraint was deemed by the PTI as a weakness, which is not true. Even the military spokesman’s press conference last month was a clear reminder that the institution is still eagerly awaiting legal action by the courts against the culprits of the May 9 incidents.

It is no exaggeration to say that the hooliganism committed by PTI miscreants against military installations was shrewdly orchestrated and executed by nefarious elements within the PTI. It was not aimed at the government but solely at the military as an institution. It is excruciating to know that despite a year passing, not a single mutineer has been prosecuted and convicted by the courts, raising eyebrows across the country and strengthening the perception of possible facilitation.

Keeping the despicable track record of this political cult in mind, there is no denying that it has always pursued belligerent and bellicose policies against the state and political rivals. The party, under its incarcerated leader, has strived to become the country’s only savior through its aggressive and regressive agenda, intimidating all its political rivals and opponents. It has even hurled invectives and threats at national institutions in the past and continues to do so, which is truly abominable.

Some political pundits suggest that the party be offered peace parleys by inviting it to negotiations for the collective good of the country. However, I seek an answer to this valid question: why should the incarcerated former PTI chairman be offered peace talks when he has incited hatred and anti-state sentiments through his speeches and false narratives? Should this facility be offered to all incarcerated inmates across the country as per their ill-advised proposals and suggestions? Should the military forget the hooliganism and barbarism perpetrated by PTI workers? Should all culprits of the May 9 incidents be pardoned and awarded general amnesty for their involvement in anti-state riots and anarchy?

Conscientious minds contemplate such ridiculous suggestions and proposals from political observers and analysts. Instead of handing down legal punishment to the perpetrators of the May 9 incidents, they suggest reconciliation with mutineers and anarchists of the political party. As it is aptly said, rude people usually don’t understand soft language.

The nation and state have given numerous chances to this belligerent political cult to rectify its course, but it has always refused to budge. This ingrained problem with the party and its supporters has been exacerbated over time by facilitators supporting and extending undue favor to the party, condoning its nefarious designs and bellicose motives.

Isn’t it ironic that an incarcerated criminal is provided luxurious facilities in prison while ordinary prisoners are denied fundamental rights in narrow jail cells? Isn’t it a serious question why such discriminatory treatment is given to a criminal furthering a threatening agenda of secession?

To rebuild the shattered confidence of the multitudes and downtrodden, it is imperative that such discriminatory treatment be shunned, and due legal process be applied without discrimination. Punitive measures must be taken against all involved in attacking and ransacking national and security institutions, bringing all culprits and criminals to justice. Otherwise, the situation may spiral out of control.



ePaper - Nawaiwaqt