DC, DPO hold open court in Ahamdpur East

BAHAWALPUR   -  Deputy Commissioner (DC) Bahawalpur Zaheer Anwar Jappa alongwith District Police Officer (DPO) Bahawalpur Asad Sarfraz, held an open court at the Jinnah Hall of the Municipal Committee Ahmadpur East. Assistant Commissioner (AC) Ahmadpur East Dr Fayaz Ali Jatala, DSP Farrukh Javed, officials from relevant departments, and citizens were present. The deputy commissioner issued orders to resolve the complaints received during the open court.

 He directed that a technical estimate be obtained from the Public Health Department for resolving the sewage issues in Ahmadpur East city and for the repair and technical faults of the disposal station at Chungi Pairwa and that it be sent to higher authorities immediately. The citizens who attended the open court praised the administration’s performance in draining rainwater from urban areas in record time during the monsoon rains.

The DC instructed the Revenue Department officials to resolve people’s revenue-related issues under an open-door policy. He also received applications from the citizens present at the open court and issued orders on the spot for their resolution.

At the open court, DPO Asad Sarfraz gathered information about the issues faced by the public regarding the police department and issued orders for their resolution. AC Dr Fayaz Ali Jatala reported that special teams are active in cleaning the sewage lines in Ahmadpur East, and their performance is being monitored daily. He stated that strict action would be taken against any negligence in resolving public issues.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt