SCO Invitation

Pakistan’s invitation to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to attend the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting in Pakistan is a prudent move that keeps the door of reconciliation open with its estranged neighbor. Despite the ongoing suspension of bilateral trade, military buildups, border tensions, and the long-standing unresolved issue of Kashmir, both Pakistan and India are integral members of the global community. Their participation in regional affairs is essential for the proper functioning of the world order. It is therefore crucial for these two nations to set aside their bilateral rivalries and engage in initiatives that serve the broader interests of the region, especially when the outcomes could be mutually beneficial.

Last year, Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto’s attendance at the SCO meeting in India was seen as a positive step towards global cooperation without upsetting the delicate bilateral balance between the two countries. Modi’s potential visit to Pakistan could further this progress, helping to advance regional stability. Both nations stand to gain from a normalized relationship, and completely severing ties—whether direct or indirect—would deal a significant blow to peace prospects in the region.

Pakistan must continue to extend the olive branch, with the hope that India will reciprocate. Inch by inch, this olive branch could transform into a bridge that facilitates closer relations, fostering a more peaceful and cooperative South Asia.

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