Tree plantation drive launched at Bajaur juvenile home

BAJAUR   -  A tree plantation campaign was launched at the Juvenile Observa­tion Home and Child Protection Bureau in Bajaur tribal district on Thursday, in compliance with the advice of the Peshawar High Court.

The District & Session Court Ba­jaur initiated the monsoon tree plantation campaign, with District & Session Judge Bajaur Dr. Mu­hammad Amir inaugurating the event by planting a sapling.

Judges of the district court, court staff, and officials from the local forest department attended the inauguration ceremony.

Additional District & Session Judge Hussain Ali and Senior Civ­il Judge Muhib-ur-Rahman also planted saplings during the event.

In his address, District & Ses­sion Judge Amir Nazir empha­sized the religious significance of planting trees as an ongoing charity. He also highlighted the critical importance of afforesta­tion in combating pollution, glob­al warming, and environmental degradation.

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