Maryam says a robust parliament essential for safeguarding human rights

Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz has stated that parliament serves as the cornerstone of democracy, safeguarding the principles of justice and equality within society.

In her message marking the International Day of Parliamentarism, the chief minister paid tribute to the members of the national and provincial assemblies, underscoring the significance of renewing their commitment to uphold democratic principles.

The CM highlighted that the parliamentary system ensured transparency, accountability and effective representation of the people in governance.

She stressed the importance of every individual and organisation playing their part in strengthening parliamentary institutions.

Maryam commended parliamentarians who strive to uphold democratic values and justice, emphasising that a robust parliament was essential for safeguarding human rights.

The chief minister underscored that the strength of democracy lied in the vitality of parliamentary institutions.

Maryam also announced the establishment of a parliamentary development unit in the Punjab Assembly, aimed at supporting assembly members in accordance with democratic principles.

ePaper - Nawaiwaqt