IG Punjab pins new ranks to 41 DSPs

LAHORE    -   Due to the special efforts of Inspector General Police Punjab Dr. Usman An­war, the process of promotion of about 2000 officers and personnel in the Pun­jab Police has been completed accord­ing to their merit and seniority. In the promotion board sessions chaired by IG Punjab, 41 DSPs were promoted to SP, 85 inspectors were promoted to DSP and 270 sub-inspectors were promoted to the posts of inspectors and senior traffic wardens. Similarly, The process of more than 1500 promotions on the posts of constables to head constables, head constables to ASIs, ASIs to sub-in­spectors in the ranges and districts has also been almost completed and the no­tifications of promotions in this regard are also being issued in a phased man­ner. IG Punjab met 41 DSPs who were promoted to the post of SP at the Cen­tral Police Office and pinned them new ranks along with Additional IGs, DIGs and other senior officers. Meanwhile, Capital City Police Officer (CCPO) Lahore Additional IG Bilal Siddique Kamyana, on Wednesday visited Punjab Safe Cities Authority (PSCA). Chief Operating Offi­cer Punjab Safe Cities Authority Kam­ran Khan welcomed the CCPO. Bilal Sid­dique Kamyana presided over a meeting of senior police officers of Lahore Police district in Punjab Safe Cities Author­ity. DIG Operations Afzal Ahmad Kausar, COO Punjab Safe Cities Authority Kam­ran Khan, SSP Operations Sohaib Ashraf, SP Security Dost Muhammad, all SsP of Operations and Investigation Wings, SP Dolphin Squad Zohaib Ranjha, SP CRO Ayesha Butt and other concerned offi­cers attended the meeting.

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