Punjab police's failure to block TLP march angers PM Imran

Prime Minister Imran Khan has expressed displeasure over Punjab polices failure to block the outlawed Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistans march towards Islamabad, sources said on Saturday.

After the prime ministers reaction, it has been decided to initiate stern action against the Inspector General (IG) and other senior officers of the Punjab police.

After establishing polices ineffectiveness, the decision was taken to give the forces control to the Rangers.

According to the sources, the action will begin after the resolution of the TLPs march issue.

It is pertinent to mention here that four policemen had been martyred and over 80 injured in clashes with the protesters.

Reports said as the Rangers were now in control the next encounter with the TLP protesters was expected at security points that had been established at Chenab and Jhelum rivers, the only route for the march to reach Islamabad.

This time the Rangers would lead the command, while the Punjab Police would assist them as per the standard guidelines issued since the government deployed Rangers in the province under a notification issued on Wednesday last.

The security personnel also have armoured vehicles with them and are equipped with riot gear and have dug trenches at Chenab bridge.

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