Experts term PM’s US visit highly successful

PESHAWAR   -  International Relations experts have praised Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif’s re­cent visit to the United States for attending the 79th session of the United Nations Gen­eral Assembly (UNGA), calling it highly suc­cessful and beneficial for Pakistan. Former Ambassador Manzoor Ul Haq highlight­ed the significance of the Prime Minister’s speech at the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Moment 2024, which gained widespread recognition.

Manzoor Ul Haq noted that the Prime Minister’s remarks called for internation­al unity to tackle global issues like climate change, the debt burden, and terrorism—problems that disproportionately affect un­derdeveloped nations, including Pakistan. He emphasized that Shehbaz Sharif’s vis­it reinforced Pakistan’s stance on these is­sues and the need for global collaboration to achieve sustainable development.

Professor Dr Ejaz Khan, former Chairman of International Relations at the University of Peshawar, praised the Prime Minister’s meetings with world leaders, where the fo­cus was on resolving the Kashmir dispute and promoting Pakistan’s socioeconomic development. He highlighted Shehbaz Sha­rif’s address, which boldly condemned Isra­el’s actions in Gaza and human rights abus­es in Indian-Occupied Kashmir, winning support from Pakistanis and Kashmiris.

APHC member Muhammad Hussain Khateeb commended the Prime Minister for drawing attention to the plight of Kashmiris under In­dian occupation, accusing India of war crimes and state terrorism. He emphasized the urgen­cy of resolving the Kashmir dispute, which has been exacerbated by Indian military actions and human rights violations.

Professor Dr Adnan Sarwar Khan, former Chairman of International Relations at the University of Peshawar, also praised the Prime Minister’s address, noting his em­phasis on terrorism’s economic impact and Pakistan’s sacrifices in the war against it. He echoed the call for India to reverse its ac­tions in Kashmir and engage in dialogue for a peaceful resolution.

Experts from various fields lauded Sheh­baz Sharif’s leadership at the UNGA, com­mending his efforts to highlight Pakistan’s role in fostering global peace, security, and economic prosperity. They emphasized the need for international action on climate change, Islamophobia, and the reformation of global financial systems.

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