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Karachiites to face hefty burden of Rs7.66 per unit in Oct, Nov power bills

ISLAMABAD-Karachiites will face a hefty additional burden of Rs7.66 per unit in October and November electricity bills as the federal government has allowed another hike of up to Rs4.4547 per unit in K-Electric tariff on account of 1st quarterly adjustments of FY2022-23.
The federal government has notified a hike from Rs1.4874/unit to Rs4.4547 per unit for different consumer categories on account of 1st quarterly (July to September) adjustments of FY2022-23 which will to be recovered from the consumers of KE during October and November. The average increase for the 1st quarter will be Rs 3.21/unit. The federal government had earlier this week notified another hike of Rs3.2814/unit for the consumers of KE and XWDiscos on account of 4th quarter (April to June) of FY2022-2023.The adjustments for the 4th quarter will be applicable from October 2023 to March 2024.
For the months of October and November, the KE’s consumers will pay the quarterly adjustments of the 1st and 4th quarters of FY 2022-23, which will have a cumulative effect of Rs7.66/unit (including 18pc GST) on the KE’s consumers. As per the decision, for the 1st quarter of FY 2022-23, the tariff has been increased by Rs 1.4874/unit for the consumers using up to 300 units per month, Rs 3.2116/unit for the consumers using from 301 units to 700 and above units, while for the consumers using above 5 KW and above the tariff has been increased by Rs 4.4547/unit.
On September 27, in its decision on the federal government motion filed with respect to recommendation of consumer end tariff for K-Electric and Policy Guidelines for uniform quarterly adjustments, Nepra had allowed a hike from Rs.1.4874/unit to Rs.4.4547/unit for different consumer categories on account of 1st quarterly adjustments of FY2022-23. In its decision, the regulator said that in response of the MoE and the Policy Guidelines forwarded by the MoE, the Authority understands that the Guidelines only envisage the 1st quarterly adjustment of FY2022-23 and also for the future quarterly adjustments. Nothing has been mentioned in the Guidelines in terms of other pending quarterly adjustments i.e. 2 & 3rd quarters for the FY 2022-23. The increase will be different consumer categories, except life line consumers, based on the consumption of February 2023 and March 2023, to be recovered from the consumers of K-Electric in months of October and November 2023 respectively.
The increase on account of 1st quarterly adjustment of FY2022-23, will be applicable for the months of October & November 2023, on the consumption of February 2023 and March 2023 respectively on consumers of K-Electric. Regarding the application of quarterly adjustments for the 4th quarterly adjustments for K-Electric, the federal government has allowed charging additional Rs.3.2814/unit for the consumers of KElectric, to be recovered in a period of six months i.e. October 2023 to March 2024.

Content for December 05, 2024 is not available

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